Quick Question

Which of these sentences makes good use of its words?

  1. Why are we playing catch-up with countries that have addressed the issue?
  2. Why are we playing catch-up with countries that have faced the problem?
  3. Why are we playing catch-up with countries that have solved the problem?
  4. Why are we playing catch-up with countries that solved the problem of food waste?
  5. Why are we playing catch-up with countries that convert food waste to fuel?

Still Anonymous?

If you can’t publish comments and posts under your WordPress username, you’re not getting credit for publishing at all. See me after class for help.


Let’s double-check the Categories, titles, and names you’re using for your posts. If they’re incorrectly categorized or named, they can get lost in the surfeit of posts and evade notice and therefore credit for having posted them.

Fair Use Summary

We’ll read Bruce Schneier’s article that praises the good work done by hackers and decide which of three summaries is Fair, which is Unfair, and which is Inaccurate.

Take Home Task

You’ll have a 250-word summary to write for TUE SEP 17 about Sheila Kaplan and 

28 Responses to CLASS 04: THU SEP 12

  1. tenere84 says:


    Knowing how to efficiently get a point across in one sentence is important. That is why we compared many rhetorical questions that sound the same but are worded differently. Upon examination, it seems evident that, when looking at the list in order, the argument gradually becomes more coherent and makes better use of its words. The first one is not very specific and does not adequately get the point across. The last one, on the other hand, is very concisely worded and talks about a specific problem as well as how to solve it. The two are very far apart in terms of persuasiveness.

    It was noted, however, that the first part of the sentence, “why are we playing catch-up with other countries” may have been worded in a confusing way. It could have implied that catching up with countries that have solved the problem is a bad thing rather than that we haven’t tried soon enough.

    Sometimes looking for accuracy or inaccuracy is not the only thing a writer should do when critiquing an article summary. There may be works that have accurate information but deliberately distort the original author’s view to push their agenda. This is considered “unfair.” On the other hand, one can stay true to what the author originally said but mistakenly presents inaccurate information. Such a summary is inaccurate but not intentionally devious. It should be noted that one does not have to agree with the editor to be fair and accurate.

    To be more engaged in this topic, three summaries were examined to determine which one is fair, unfair, or inaccurate. The first used highly opinionated language and disagreed vehemently with the writer but was fair in presenting the author’s opinions and information. According to the summary’s author, the editor claims that it is okay to commit crimes in this context as long as it benefits the public. The summary’s author got this point across coherently and adequately. The second summary was deemed inaccurate but not unfair because though they did not distort the author’s views, they misinterpret the original claims as well as make false claims. It is ironic that the third summary was considered unfair because they agree with the original editor. However, they attribute claims of maliciousness by particular companies to the author’s own opinion. This absolutely is unfair, especially considering how tangential and unsupported such claims are.


  2. morra2024 says:

    09/12/19 Class Notes:
    0. minor, but important detail – if not able to leave a reply in this section due to not being logged in, there is a WordPress icon that can be clicked to log in;
    1. a wise idea to use the classic editor: the new one is not that much better, but quite confusing+the Professor is more used to the classic one;
    2. all assignments to be named like this: assignment name — username, where titles within them can be anything you like (centered, bold, etc.); pay attention to categories of the assignments!!
    3. give yourself a profile photo.

    0. 5 example sentences were given to us – we had to pick the best, which was #5. It turned something vague like “to address an issue” and gradually polished it into something more specific: address an issue-> face a problem (more concrete) -> solve a problem (solving is even more specific than facing) -> solve X problem (states which problem specifically is being solved) -> “convert food waste into fuel” (explains how the problem was solved, without calling it as such ( we can infer that it is a problem from the contextual clues like “catch-up with”)).

    0. brief discussion of why hackers are valuable nowadays;
    1. basic explanation of the internal mechanics of a computer’s work: bits (0 and 1);
    2. overview of a what a quantum computer is, why it’s drastically more powerful than its predecessors (no more bits, simultaneous data processing more leads to exponentially faster calculations), and why the U.S. and China are in a race for creating one ( a quantum computer can crack any modern code almost instantly -> no more secrecy -> MAJOR SECURITY CONCERN FOR THE U.S. if China wins the race).

    0. essentially, good summaries allow the writer to greatly condense huge amounts of information produced by the original author into something that still conveys his/her point of view, but that can be used to agree/disagree with by the writer.
    1. summarizing is better than quoting, making the latter rarely necessary, provided that the author’s main point and the writer’s opinion of it are communicated quickly;
    2. commonPitFalls: unfair (maliciously misstating the original author’s words for personal benefits) and inaccurate(attributes statements to the author that he/she did not make) use;
    3. so as long as the original message is not distorted, it is completely acceptable to disagree with the author.

    0. purposeful summary (a fair summary): accurately and fairly convey the meaning of the original work and support your own opinion, providing readers the clear argument you disagree with);
    1. example video about “Three-Parent Babies” to illustrate how one is to write a summary.


  3. 9/12 Notes:
    -We began class discussing the importance of being concise in our writing, redundancy is likely to turn the reader away from your work.
    -In a summary, must clearly convey original author’s argument in order to connect readers with original argument.
    -Inaccurate Summary= deliberately leaving out information to mislead audience, this is unethical however. In summary, you do not have to agree with the author, but be sure to disagree fairly.
    -If you feel you are distorting author’s argument, you probably should rethink your approach to the summary.


  4. ajuuy7 says:

    In class today we learned the value of a summary to represent a piece of writing to be able to not have to quote an entire chapter. A summary should accurately portray what the author was trying to say in their own work. We learned how to distinguish from a fair, unfair, and inaccurate summary. It was hard to find the differences between them all but after it was explained it is much clearer. We watched an interesting video about how a baby can get its DNA from three parents to prevent disabilities or anything bad that could have been passed along. We identified what topics need to be covered in our summary of the video.


  5. mpsj13 says:

    Effective sentences are written using concise and direct language.
    Summaries should be written in a fair sense, accurately displaying the original authors intent while also displaying one’s own opinion.


  6. voxpopuli075 says:

    -The 5th sentence was the best because it was the most concise.
    – Summaries can be quite useful to compact large amounts of information into more readable forms.
    – Summaries can also help readers “get up to speed” so they know what you are talking about.
    – Summaries could be used to mislead readers if the original author is taken out of context. Our academic responsibility is to be brief, accurate and fair.
    – Authors could be fair and inaccurate if a mistake was made.


  7. bmdpiano says:

    -We began class by trying to identify the best sentence out of a given five. We concluded that sentences four and five are the best ones out of all of them, but number five is a bit better than four because it is straight forward and clear about the intention of the sentence. Number five tells us that other countries have already solved the problem.

    -When novels or works cannot be quoted, we write a summary. Value of summary is to get readers up to speed with what you are saying while backing it up with another article. Summaries could deliberately be chosen to be unfair and or inaccurate.
    -A fair summary should always be the intention. You don’t know if you’re being inaccurate, but you can tell whether you’re being fair or not.
    -We then discussed the given article about hackers then analyzed each version of summary to identify which versions were fair, unfair, and inaccurate. We concluded that version 1 is fair as all of the summary is accurate to the original article. It creates a clear distinction between the summary and author, yet it is fair. Version 2 is the inaccurate citation because it does not deliberately do this. Version 3 is unfair in their wording.

    “Ethics of a Three-Parent Baby”
    -How would this video be summarized?
    -Include essential points such as research is still being done, three parent babies, types of DNA (one does not affect how they look), safety, cost, and ethics.


  8. yankeefan25 says:

    Class Notes:
    We started off by going over five different sentences and identified which one was the best and made the most sense. The last sentence made the most sense and made the best use of its small amount of words. We then started talking about summaries and why we write them and how we use them. Sometimes you have to convey the authors point of view in order to object so that it makes sense. You can write a good summary by just getting lucky or you could also just completely misread the reader. You could be inaccurate and provoke the editor. You have to let the reader know that you are disagreeing. You may not know that you are being inaccurate, but you will know that you are being unfair. Trust your gut in these times.
    We then watched a video and had to decide which information would be most important in a short 250 word summary.


  9. ahntkd99 says:

    Quick Question
    – We discussed which sentence is good among 5 different sentences
    – Sentence 5 is the best because it represents specific problem
    Still Anonymous?
    – Publish comments and posts
    Fair Use Summary
    – Summarizing is an effective way to clarify important ideas in your own mind
    – Good Summary should require only minimal quotation of the original
    – Summary requires interpretation and rephrasing
    – Unfair summary is bad
    – You aren’t obligated to agree with the position of the original author
    – State clearly and persuasively the real and provable
    Bruce Schneier’s article (“Damned Good Idea”)
    – We read original article
    – We read Version 1, 2, and 3 and replied why it is unfair, fair, or inaccurate
    Purposeful Summary Non-Portfolio Task
    – We watched “Three-Parent Baby” video
    ( Nascent Research, 3 parent babies, safe, DNA types, Cost..)


  10. kraemercali says:

    9/12 class notes
    Sentence 5 is the most useful and informative.
    Summarizing is taking the main ideas of someone else’s work and clarifying them for yourself before sharing with others.
    Can mislead readers if take author out of context, inaccurate or accurate information.
    Fair or unfair writing.
    No academic purpose for inaccuracy or unfairness in summarizing.
    Be fair in a disagreement.
    Read in depth of different summaries to recognize unfairness, inaccuracies, and fairness.
    3 parent baby- talk about the topic, safety, dna, cost, what is effected, morality, ethics, effects female offspring of child, prevents birth defects, very small amount of dna added to mitochondria.
    Critics think only the rich could afford, and would lead to much more genetic mutation.
    hw- response to vaping article, summarize in a post, use whatever part of article you choose, not the whole article (too long)
    publish in summary and username, create title, 250 words (about)


  11. Valcom says:

    Notes 9/12/19
    () We started the class of by reading five sentences and choosing the best sentence out of the five. Out of the five sentences the fifth sentence was the best one followed by the fourth one because it clearly tells the reader what is happening.
    () All posts should be titled, the title if done correctly can kick start the argument of the paper. We learned how to go back and add titles and fix names in the WordPress Editor.
    () Personally, I view hacking as a bad thing however when they are used for good, I would view them as a hero. When they are used for good, they end up helping people and companies from having to lie about a hacking and make sure the data and security of people are safe without a bad hacker getting their hands on it.
    () The summary of an article is very important. Its best to not directly quote the author but to make sure that you state the authors point of view. If you don’t clearly understand the article, then you may inaccurately describe the article in the summary. Having an accurate summary will mean you have a fair article while having an inaccurate article is an unfair article.
    () After reviewing what summaries are, we then reviewed three summaries of an article. We would have to carefully select and choose which article was an unfair, fair or inaccurate article based on what the writer had to summarize.
    () From now until Monday Midnight we will have to write at 250 word summary in response to a vaping epidemic article on the website.


  12. lucbe219 says:

    It is easier to use the classic way of editing and updating rather than the block way. Summaries are very important in learning and grasping what the author is saying because it gets the readers up to speed quicker to understand the general ideas. We do this because sometimes, we are unable to find that perfect quote. It is also okay to disagree with the author if you feel that way as long as you are fair as well as accurate in your response. In the hacking article by Bruce Schneier, he explained how companies were warned months prior to going public about the issues hackers have found with their products, and finally, the companies are forced into fixing the issue. I felt as though version 1 was unfairly summarized, 2 was inaccurately summarized, and 3 was fairly summarized. Quickly after discussing the summaries, we watched a video on a three-parent baby. With 3 parents DNA, the babies DNA is “fixed” to avoid any birth defects that would have been passed down through the typical 2 parent DNA. We brainstormed important key ideas of the video to construct a 250 word summary. The class wanted to include that it is still being researched, the types of DNA being altered, it is not 100% safe yet, and that the baby’s physical looks will not be changed. Due next Tuesday (9/17) is a 250 word summary on the illnesses from vaping.


  13. lg102015 says:

    9/12 Notes
    To start off class, we looked at 5 different sentences on the screen. we had to look at each of them and then decide which of the 5 makes good use of words. After looking at all of them we decided that sentence number 5 was the best sentence, because it fills every requirement to make the statement they are trying to make. It is also brief and to the point. The sentence was ” Why are we playing catch-up with countries that convert food waste to fuel?”

    We then talked about summaries and what makes a summary fair, unfair or inaccurate. We looked at Bruce Schneider’s article on hackers where we had to read the article and then read 3 different versions of summaries. We then had to decide which summary considered fair, unfair, and inaccurate. I decided that version 1 was inaccurate, version 2 was unfair, and version 3 was fair.
    After going over it as a class, the right answers were version 1 was fair, version 2 was inaccurate, and version 3 was unfair. So clearly this task was very tricky for me and I will need to look at in a little further in order to completely understand it.

    Then we finished off class with t a video on a Three-parent Baby, this was an example of a fair summary. We know this because the summary covered all of the essential points that the 4 minute video covered


  14. 9/12
    – At the beginning of class we discussed the difference from a great sentence to a poorly written sentence
    – I have to make sure for all my sentences in future have a clear understanding and that if the reader was just reading that one sentence they would understand my topic and what I’m ranting about
    – Talked about summaries and learned that a summary is necessary just to get the reader to be on the same page as you
    – Make sure the reader understands exactly how you feel about the article and give support to why you feel that way, so the reader could see and feel how you do
    – We looked over summaries written by different authors about an article we read and determined if they were fair, unfair or inaccurate
    – Watched a video on a “Three-Parent Babies” and learned something I never knew was even a thing

    – We were given a homework assignment based of an article on vapers and what’s killing people around the world. We are assigned to create a good summary if the article in 250 words and its due next class.


  15. roses0102 says:

    We discussed 5 of the same sentences, we evaluated them and decided which conveyed the most convincing message. Always remember to login to word press or the work written will be anon, and therefore not graded. Mister Hodges explained that titles have to be clear and named so everyones posts don’t get jumbled together. We talked about summaries and how they are effective when working with large sections of text. We discussed how to be “fair” to the reader also how to represent and accurate summary. You cannot distort or characterize the authors text in anyway, this is a violation of our integrity and jepordizes out academic honestly. A clear and concise argument should be represented. Next, we read an article about about praising hackers and what they do. Hackers are often paid for their work to better big companies security systems.


  16. 09/12 Notes

    We begin class with a discussion on five sentences displayed on the agenda. Which sentence makes good use of words? The professor explained sentence no.5 did because it was the most specific.
    – If you are still anonymous, see professor after class because you are not receiving credit.
    – Published articles that are incorrectly categorized or/and named may be lost and therefore not receive credit.

    We take a look into the issues some summaries may contain. A summary may be inaccurate, containing wrong information about the original article. Summaries can also be unfair. Misquoting or lying about what the writer wrote are some examples of being unfair when writing a summary. When writing a strong, well written summary, the writing should be accurate and fair.

    After seeing news on a new study of DNA being used to guarantee healthy fertilization, we go over as a class important details that should be included if you were to write a summary on this topic.

    We are assigned to write a summary on an article about the vaping epidemic that will be due at midnight on Monday, Sept.16


  17. Today in class we are talking about 5 sentences. One of these sentences are the best and the sentences that uses its words efficiently is sentence 5 because it has the most detail in one sentence and addresses the topic.


  18. lelebxby says:

    Today in class, we discussed the value of summary by learning the differences between fair, unfair, and inaccurate summaries of articles. In doing so, one can properly highlight and discuss the main points of an article while giving the proper information in an accurate and fair way, regardless of if you disagree with the editor or not.


  19. iamsleepy01 says:

    In class today, we discuss the sentence that makes uses of words.
    Change or login of we are still named anonymous
    Went over Categories, titles and name when we post
    Fair use summary and went over all the points
    Task due Monday, write our own summary for the article
    Read Bruce’s article about hackers and discuss the fair/unfair/inaccurate summaries


  20. hershey515 says:

    Comp 1 Thursday Notes

    Quick Question
    – [ ] We began class by discussing a series of five questions and seeing which question used a good choice of words
    LTE Draft
    – [ ] Prof. H went over how to go back and edit your draft by using the classic editor button. Must check the LTE Draft and Comp class8 and other tabs that are required for your post. Category for username is comp class 8.
    Fair Use of Sources
    – [ ] Summarizing the content and communicating really quickly of what point of view you are trying to prove
    – [ ] You must be fair and accurate about the writing is trying to convey. Summarizing is taking a 1000 words and boiling it down into 50 words.
    – [ ] Your not obligating to agree to the authors point of view . To make a better letter it is better to disagree.
    Bruce Schneier’s Article
    – [ ] We read the article “Full Disclosure a Damned Good Idea” and then we read the three different version that were written to commentate on the writers claim. For the first version it was said to be accurate even thought the writer is very harsh on the choice of words
    – [ ] Version 2 was said to be inaccurate because the writer said things he felt but included things that Schneier never said
    – [ ] Version 3 was categorized as unfair because he also shares things he says Schneier says but never stated in the article. His opinions were displayed as facts that were not said by the writer
    Take Home Task
    – [ ] Writing a purposeful summary by summarizing an article and turning itinto less than 100 words


  21. 9/12 notes
    – We did some housekeeping on blog mechanics.
    – We discussed the fair use of summary when it comes to writing a letter to the editor. It is an effective way of clarifying important points in our own thoughts. We do not want to be inaccurate and unfair. We are not obligated to agree with the author.
    – Read Bruce Schneier’s article, “Full Disclosure of Security Vulnerabilities a “Damned Good Idea”, and analyzed the fair use of summary. We read three different versions of responses and had to decide which one was fair, unfair, or inaccurate. We then reviewed each version and discussed why Version 1 is fair, Version 2 is inaccurate, and why Version 3 is unfair.
    – Did a non-portfolio where the essentials of a purposeful summary was discussed. We watched a video about a three-parent baby.


  22. athenapup4 says:

    9/12 Notes
    Beginning of class
    Discussed how to address an issue into a very short quick yet effective sentence.
    Reviewed how to post, categorize assignments, and leave replies
    Fair Use Summary
    Bruce Schnier’s article is old news however it is important to look at the good work done by hackers because it helps us understand what is going on in other parts of the world. For example, China’s development with cracking a code that typically should have taken years and years and now crack the code and can do it in milliseconds.
    The Value of Summary
    Collect your thoughts in your own words before typing them out and trying to produce them without knowing what you’re trying to say.
    Accurate and Inaccurate Summary/ Fair and Unfair Summary
    Clearly understand and know exactly what the author is talking about before you try to summarize
    Miss interpretation of the authors meaning can cause you to write n inaccurate summary on what the author was actually saying
    Your Academic Responsibility
    Trying to prove your argument means that you will be searching for things the author said to disagree with. Do not try to twist the authors words to help you disagree with them. It will feel wrong and you will realize you’re doing it while writing the paper.
    In Class Exercise
    Discussed and looked over examples on how arguments against an article can be Fair, Unfair or Inaccurate.
    Take Home Task.
    Write a purposeful (Fair and done for a purpose) summary of any article. Keep major details out of the summary. It’s not suppose to have every little detail of the article in it. Just give your own point of view of the article in a summary. The purposefulness of what you want to say is more important than including everything the article says.
    Due midnight Mon Sep 16.
    Category: Summary–Username .


  23. bestbaker123 says:

    Notes for 9/12:
    – The sentence that makes the most worth of its words is the 4th one. It gives the reader the “problem” and provides a little bit of context.
    – Use usernames and titles properly for every assignment
    – Hacking in my opinion is both in black and white. It can be good and useful in a helpful way. Or it could be a potential security threat and be used for not so good things
    – China is working on quantum coding which could break any kind or encryption in seconds. Really worrying for the US
    – Summarizing is better than citing the article and making it seem like you know what the author is saying.
    – Summarize accurately and fair to the author.
    – Summarizing requires a lot of interpretation, citing doesn’t
    – Find the perfect quote or make your own perfect sentence. Its the most persuasive way to summarize.
    – Identifying the summaries was a fun and challenging exercise to see if we could decide what a fair summary looks like.
    – Summarize only the important parts in a 100 word summary. Leave out things that aren’t crucial.


  24. smellycat23 says:

    The fourth sentence makes good use of its words because it states the specific problem being solved. The problem is food waste and the sentence tells us countries have solved this problem.

    Then we discussed hackers and computers as an intro into Bruce Schneider’s articles that praise hackers. Mr. Hodges said an interesting fact in class that the first quantum computing program with many zeroes and ones was able to play a song in a birthday card. Also, there are ions that float and carry information through charged particles.

    Then we learned about Fair Use Summaries which includes a summaries the main points of the original article. If the summary is done well, then the amount of quoting should be reduced. A summary can be fair, unfair, or distorted. It is very tricky deciphering which article is doing which. Version two was inaccurate because he contributes facts that were inaccurate in his article.

    We looked at a three parent baby and example of a fair use summary that covered the main points of the video with the author’s opinion wrapped inside.


  25. The class began by addressing the five different sentences and which out of the five is the best worded. Sentence five is the best out of them due to its specificity about the problem being food waste and the solution is turning it into fuel. The next item on the agenda for the day was if anyone was anonymous still when posting comments or an essay. Editing on wordpress and how to properly submit assignments was the housekeeping for the day. If students were confused about it, today was the day to refresh their memories and clear up any concerns. Today’s main lesson and activity is learning how to properly summarize what the author of some piece of writing is trying to say. The difference between quoting and summarizing was analyzed and discussed when each one is appropriate to be put in use. You do not always have to agree with the summary, for example, in our letter to the editor, we used summaries and quotes to point out the wrongs in the original article. An article was presented on the views of hackers. Summaries are then given at the end and we (the students) had to determine which is fair, unfair, and inaccurate. The fairness depends on how true you stay to what the original author said. An example of a summary was given even though it disagrees with the original opinion.


  26. comp0327 says:

    We began by discussing the five sentences at the top of the Agenda page and their use of words, which sentence made the best use of words, and why. Professor Hodges also reminded us to log in before making comments so that our work and notes and such can successfully be attributed to us. He also showed us how to add titles to our WordPress publications and change the location of our publications. We’re going to read an article about hackers which brings us to question if hackers will always be the ‘villain’ or if they could also be the ‘knight on a white horse’. Prof. Hodges explained quantum computing to us and why the US is sweating about China figuring it out before us.
    We stayed on topic but switched gears when Professor Hodges talked to us about writing a term paper with ten sources, and how these papers would most be comprised of summarization of all ten sources. However, summarizing incorrectly will violate the plagiarism code and so we must be aware of that.
    After completing the exercise, we heard the correct answers for each article (unfair, fair or inaccurate).
    We then were assigned a summary due next Tuesday after watching a video about InVitro babies and discussing it.


  27. compclass8 says:

    Going over the tools of word press and how to title your LTE drafts.
    Quantum computive can be multiple codes at once. endless permutations. Identifying the original point of view of the article while doing a LTE is important. You have to summarize the content of the original article in order for people reading it. You need to introduce them into the subject matter you want to talk about. Summarize the content rather than quoting the content, it saves the readers time. Make sure summarizing is accurate and fair. Make sure to cite sources correctly. Put in whats purpose full rather than putting everything in as long as it is accurate.


  28. davidbdale says:

    Business executives of 145 American companies, mostly CEOs, signed a letter to the US Senate yesterday urging the Republican-controlled Senate to enact bills already introduced in the Democrat-led House of Representatives.


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