Scenic Views

Where’s the error in this sign? Do you make the same mistake in your essays?

Just Passed Scenic Views

In a Reply below, help a writer understand how to avoid the “Scenic Views” error in her academic papers.

31 Responses to Scenic Views

  1. yankeefan25 says:

    The sign tells the drive after the scenic views that there were any in the first place. They have already missed them so why remind them of what they have already gone by.


  2. The sign comes after the scenic view and not before which would be better suited to tell you what lies ahead. When compared to writing it is a perfect example that you should state the writing ahead so that the reader is informed on what they should expect before it passes them by.


  3. voxpopuli75 says:

    – The sign is misplaced because it lets drivers know of something after it happened. This relates to writing because you should let readers know what to expect in your essay in the introduction.


  4. The sign is placed inefficiently. It should be placed before the driver passes the scenic view, not after.


  5. Jayv23 says:

    A sign is supposed to inform you of what is about to come not what you have already passed. In a writing an author should make their points prior to going into detail not afterwards.


  6. lucbe219 says:

    The problem with the sign is that there are scenic views all around which means that the sign was misplaced. This relates to the mistakes made in academic papers because we should not alert our readers, instead, we should show them with our writing.


  7. tenere84 says:

    The sign is erroneous because signs are meant to inform people of the future, not what they’ve already seen. This is, perhaps, analogous to stating the obvious or already-known facts in one’s writing.


  8. ajuuy7 says:

    The sign in placed after the scenic views so instead of telling someone what they already know it would be more efficient to move the sign before the views.


  9. ahntkd99 says:

    This sign didn’t tell about location. This sign should tell specific location.


  10. Valcom says:

    In writing, most writers don’t lead into what is coming next, but will continue to explain what the reader already knows or read. Signs should not tell you what you missed but instead what you will see ahead.


  11. bmdpiano says:

    The sign is telling someone that they’ve already seen the scenic views rather than putting the sign right before passing the scenic views to indicate that people should look out for them. This relates to writing as some people do not lead up to their point and get passed it too quickly without the reader realizing it.


  12. lg102015 says:

    A sign is suppose to be telling you about something you are about to see not something you already saw. In writing, the reader should not be reading about something they just read, they should be reading material that leads to what they are going to read.


  13. kraemercali says:

    the sign should be before the view, like how writing should present what you are writing about before the details are presented.


  14. jackso23 says:

    The sign should be before the scenic view instead of after. It’s current placement has no significance to anyone.


  15. mpsj13 says:

    A sign should tell you where you are going not where you have been. In writing, an author must present their points straight forward not in passing.


  16. The sign is not located where it’s supposed to be. As we should have in our literature, there should be a warning of what to expect before we get what we get.


  17. hershey515 says:

    This sign was placed into the wrong place it should be shown in the beginning where people can be alerted a scene is going to be displayed.
    Instead it is placed at the end of the journey.


  18. gcatt310 says:

    A sign should not tell you what you have seen, it should tell you what is coming ahead.


  19. bane1900 says:

    Scenic views are pointed out too late. The sign has no point because people have already missed the views.


  20. Anonymous says:

    In the image the sign is placed where it should be visible before the scene not at the end of the view. It’s to late to be placed at the end of the journey.


  21. iamsleepy01 says:

    Sign is useless because it’s after the scenic view


  22. bestbaker123 says:

    I think this means that the reader shouldn’t be told that the “scenic views” have passed, because that doesn’t help anyone. The sign should be in front of the scenic views and probably say something like “scenic views ahead.”


  23. lelebxby says:

    The sign lets the traveler know about the scenic views after they already passed them. Like writing an academic paper, one must let the reader know their points clearly and straight forward before they lose interest and continues onto another article.


  24. A sign is supposed to tell you what’s coming up ahead, not something you just passed.


  25. smellycat23 says:

    The sign says, “just passed” stating that they are behind and not in front of the driver. This sign is pointless. The sign is telling us there are scenic views but there should be no sign or the sign should be placed in a different location. A writer should show not tell too.


  26. compclass8 says:

    The sign is too late, they should have seen that there were scenic views without having to say it straight out.


  27. comp0327 says:

    Instead of putting the sign after the scenic views, place it before these views so that your reader knows they’re coming.


  28. athenapup4 says:

    A sign is suppose to tell you whats ahead, not what you already passed.


  29. lovericeandnoodles says:

    Makes no sense


  30. lazybear8 says:

    The sign is in the wrong location. You should not remind someone of something they already learned. Instead the sign should be in front of the scenic views.


  31. This may have to do with how one presents information. The reader should recognize that the reading they are doing is just as important as the end which sums it all together in some cases.


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