Quick Homework Assignment 01

For the MON-WED Class

  1. Analyze the effectiveness of the Letter to the Editor we read together in class today. Does it adequately and correctly identify a real problem with the original author’s position on race, ethnicity, or class relations and the situation in the Hamptons that convinces the Klan that the East End is a good place to seek recruits?
  2. Your audience is a reader who is not familiar with the original sources (at least, you can’t be sure that your reader has read or will remember the original sources). Therefore, you need to provide just enough background information so that readers will understand your analysis.
  3. Be sure to identify the original article by title and Cory Dolgon’s response as a letter to the editor.
  4. It’s OK to learn from your classmates’ earlier posts but essential that you not copy from them. (What makes you think they’re better than what you could do yourself?)
  5. For example, your reader will not know what question you’ve been asked, so you’re not obligated to answer it in your first sentence. A reasonable opening might be something quite different; for example, “Cory Dolgon must be reading different surveys that I am,” or “Al Baker’s sober reflections on racism in the Hamptons deserve a more sensitive reader than Cory Dolgon.”
  6. Paragraph breaks are useful. Even short arguments can benefit from those lovely little indentations that indicate a new topic is being introduced.

Publish your draft in the Homework category.

Title it: “Klan Recruits—Your Username” without the quotation marks

Due 11:59PM TUE SEP 09

For the TUE-THU Class

  1. Analyze the effectiveness of the Letter to the Editor we read together in class today. Does it adequately and correctly identify a real problem with the original author’s position on cyber warfare and the effectiveness of a truce at reducing warfare among NATO nations?
  2. Your audience is a reader who is not familiar with the original sources (at least, you can’t be sure that your reader has read or will remember the original sources). Therefore, you need to provide just enough background information so that readers will understand your analysis.
  3. Be sure to identify the original article by title and Blunden’s response as a letter to the editor.
  4. It’s OK to learn from your classmates’ earlier posts but essential that you not copy from them. (What makes you think they’re better than what you could do yourself?)
  5. For example, your reader will not know what question you’ve been asked, so you’re not obligated to answer it in your first sentence. A reasonable opening might be something quite different; for example, “Bill Blunden knows an empty gesture when he hears one,” or “Bill Blunden’s writing career in no way qualifies him to advise NATO on international agreements.”
  6. Paragraph breaks are useful. Even short arguments can benefit from those lovely little indentations that indicate a new topic is being introduced.

Publish your draft in the Homework category.

Title it: “Cyber Warfare—Your Username” without the quotation marks

Due 11:59PM MON SEP 08

About davidbdale

What should I call you? I prefer David or Dave, but students uncomfortable with first names can call me Professor or Mister Hodges. My ESL students' charming solution, "Mister David" is my favorite by far.
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