Deadlines Met and Missed

Depending on your section, your assignment A02 was due just before midnight Tuesday, or just before midnight Wednesday, less than 3 hours from now.

Timely Posts so far

  1. aspiretoinspire
  2. bagofchips
  3. bloo
  4. bukowski
  5. dean
  6. domia abr wyrda
  7. eagles
  8. falooda
  9. fluffy
  10. frozen8
  11. gamer
  12. garwin
  13. giantsfan
  14. greentwinky
  15. iglesias
  16. ipl37
  17. jaime
  18. kai
  19. mandragon
  20. matteo
  21. max (but lost your A01. Reconstruct please.)
  22. mazda
  23. munchkin
  24. ovechkin
  25. owllover (but no Homework)
  26. perry
  27. rhett
  28. rowansonlyjetsfan (but no Homework)
  29. sionnain
  30. sparky
  31. supafreak
  32. syntaxattack
  33. thedawg
  34. thestayathomedad
  35. tiger
  36. tobes (but no Homework)
  37. treehugger36
  38. velociraptor
  39. vermster7

Not yet posted

  1. mica
  2. something (no A01, and no recent Notes. Have you dropped?)
  3. soul

Missing in Inaction

42 usernames for two classes with a total of 43 students means one of you hasn’t posted in your username. You may not exist for credit purposes. Get your name on one of these lists before midnight. I’ll be up watching the blog.

About davidbdale

What should I call you? I prefer David or Dave, but students uncomfortable with first names can call me Professor or Mister Hodges. My ESL students' charming solution, "Mister David" is my favorite by far.
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