Robust Verbs – Tenere84

The crimes committed by heroin addicts to support their habits has led to a high crime rate in Vancouver, and the “free heroin for addicts” program is doing everything they can to stop them. Addicts struggle to get through their day-to-day lives; jobs, interactions, and relationships are hard to maintain for them. The powerful grip of addiction compels users to do whatever it takes, whether it be breaking and entering or stealing, to get their hands on the drug. The “free heroin for addicts” program reduces the crime rate by keeping addicts off the streets. It also keeps them out of hospitals, relieving doctors and nursers of the need to deal with their mental and financial plight. While this program has proved efficient in reducing crime while providing the cleanest form of heroin, it does not, however, help heroin addicts.

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1 Response to Robust Verbs – Tenere84

  1. davidbdale says:

    Excellent editing to eliminate repetition and wordiness. Some good robust verb substitutions also.

    Liked by 1 person

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