The Missing Dollar Paradox

Editorials Page

Components of an Editorial


32 Responses to CLASS 10: THU OCT 03

  1. tenere84 says:

    The Missing Dollar Paradox was perhaps the most tricky. The best approach to this problem was paying attention to where all of the money went and noticing deceit. There is no “$27 + $2 = $29” as the riddle assumed, but rather “$25 + $2 = $27. The $2 went to the waiter, while the remaining $3 went back to the women.

    Editorials are usually very opinionated and immediately (from the title to the end) attempt to maintain the reader’s attention. Unlike journalists, editors are encouraged to assert specific and sometimes blunt claims. Editorials are also very ethically judgemental and have such elements in the title as well. What is important to note is that not all editorials have to be ethically judgemental, but rather can simply be an interpretation of a given situation.

    One approach to editorials is the “funnel” approach, which entails building up more and more arguments until, at the end, there’s a main claim being made. This approach is, unfortunately, ineffective by today’s standards; many readers lose interest early on if no clear claims are being made and they’re simply given a small buildup.

    The main approach used today involves capturing the audience’s attention as soon as they lay their eyes on the title. The editorial makes claims almost immediately and gives readers a good reason to stick around.


  2. morra2024 says:

    10/3/2019 notes
    0. Class started with the “Missing Editorials Paradox.” My explanation: “We are over-counting. The $2 the waiter put in his pocket should already be included in the total amount paid ($27). In the end, each woman payed $9 instead of $10, meaning each got $1 back. That still leaves the $2 difference between the price of the meal and the amount paid, which is exactly what the waiter took.”

    1. Overview of editorials in painstaking detail. Key difference between works of journalism and editorials is that the latter cannot be accused of not having enough evidence – their main goal is to make a judgment call, to convince the reader. Judgement calls differ from statements of fact with the abundant use of descriptive adjectives and verbs that instantly convey to the reader what the author’s opinion. For example, “The woman was hit by a car,” is a statement of fact, while “The unsuspecting woman run over by a negligent driver,” is a judgement call. The best editorials are those that capture the reader’s attention and make it quickly clear what the author believes.

    2. Last part of the class: a guide from the Professor on when to add an apostrophe and “s” after plurals ending in s. The rule is “if you don’t pronounce it, get rid of it.” For example, “editors’ opinions.” Make plural first, then add the “s.”


  3. kraemercali says:


    the dollar paradox confused me at first but after reading it a couple times, I understood the wording was what was confusing me not the concept.

    editorials are an opinion where you have strong attitude or feeling on a topic. you use feelings instead of facts but still present facts to support the feelings.

    it is to catch the readers eye and avoid judgement with it, rather just express feeling


  4. The Missing Dollar Paradox really got me when I was reading it. I was not present in class so when I read the riddle, I was immediately puzzled. I read it over and over and still could not catch the riddle. I then read it to my friend and he immediately caught it. I then realized that I learn better when I listen to something rather than reading because I caught the riddle when I was reading it out loud. The girls did not pay $10 anymore because the bill was reduced so they were only paying $8. The riddle was worded deceptively by saying they each payed $10 when they didn’t


  5. lazybear8 says:

    October 14 is the deadline for getting feedback about LTE for portfolio.
    Editorials are updated every day. Look at models of editorials from the New York times. Highly opinionated writing is the rule, not a side effect. First example is an ethical claim “He deserves justice”. Statement of fact vs Judgement call. “Is owed” ethical or moral judgement. No attempt to offer both sides of a position. No apologizing for a point of view in editorials. Don’t start with a careful explanation or a storyline. Out of the gate explain how you feel inviting reactions. Evidence is not required, not obligated to provide it. Rather than just share information editorials prompt people to think in a new sort of way. Change the way we think/change the way we act. Thoughts and emotions. Thought process will arise. Hodges Rule, form the plural first then add “‘s”.


  6. 10/3
    Talked about the Missing money riddle and how it was confusing how all money is there but one dollar.
    I believe it was a counting issue or math issue affecting the sum of the money.
    Talked about editorials and learned what they are about and meant for.
    Editorials are started as judgements not opinions.

    My page refreshed at end of class and deleted all my notes so this was a quick sum up of what we learned in class today.


  7. Valcom says:

    [] Class started with The Missing Dollar Paradox which was a puzzle where 3 women are paying for their meal and pay 30 dollars for their bill. They each get 3 back and the waiter gets 2.
    [] When reviewing Editorials on New York Times, you fist will need to click on the Opinion tab. Then click the Editorial tab to list the 10 latest editorials posted by New York Times.
    [] In news paper editorials, you go to look for the news explained, “news with attitude.” There are no facts really in the editorials, however the rest of the paper go to answer the Who What When Where and How questions.
    – They say this is how things should be. They only add evidence to the degree as to why they
    came to that conclusion or material they would need to make a similar argument.
    [] The Editors job is to not convince you, they are going to try to express a point of view very clearly, thought provocation.
    [] In the editorials example, reading Jamal Khashoggi Is Still Owed Justice shows that the author is still outraged that there is no justice for Jamal after a year has gone by. The article goes to explain that there is an ongoing investigation and trial for his murder but the whole thing seems to be a publicity stunt and is very shady. Recently Prince Mohammad did own up to the murder of the journalist who was a strong critic of the Prince but said it in a way that it was his people who did it and not him. Still for there to be no justice within the trial and murder of Jamal the author wants a moral conclusion to happen that will bring justice for all.


  8. Riddle (The Missing Dollar Paradox)
    – The “missing” dollar is in the till. This is because even though each lady has now only paid $9 each, which is a sum of $27, the check total was only $25. The difference between the sum the ladies paid and the check total is $2, this is the $2 the waiter kept for himself.
    Editorials Page
    – -› section -› opinion -› editorials
    Editorial Components
    – Journalists answer 5 questions (who, what, when, where, and how)
    – Editorials are a place to go read about the news explained and hear opinions “News with attitude”
    – Editorialists try to explain how things should be/ought to be not how they are
    – Start with a judgement and add evidence to support decisions the author has already made
    – Editorials will try to urge us and give us advice; they will try to get us to act on a matter
    – Logic, reason, and emotional language are substituted for evidence (Essential components of an editorial)
    In class group exercise
    – Ethical imperatives (Tell us what to do) – “whom will need to be heard,” “more targeted mysteries he could shed light on,” “But Mr. Barr should be pressed,” “Mr. Barr should have formally recused himself,”
    – Judgement language – “assaults on democracy,” “His schemes often entangle,” “Mr. Pence ducked the question,” “one of the biggest bombshells,” “this White House’s expansive interpretation of executive privilege,”
    – Effective or not effective editorial – Effective in supplying different views of a situation.


  9. voxpopuli75 says:

    -Editorials aren’t primarily about objective facts and evidence, they are about making point of views known. Author’s of editorials should assert their opinion clearly for the reader.
    -Editorials begin with judgement then deal with the facts. They only add evidence to the degree to help express the editor’s point of view.
    – Editorials often contain loaded language or judgement in their headings and teaser text. In addition editorials often contain calls to action or urge the reader to act in some way.
    – There is no point in writing an editorial about a topic you do not have passion for.
    – The editorial titled “James Khashoggi is still owed justice” is a good example of an editorial because it contains judgment language, expresses a clear opinion, and walks the fine line between being opinionated and being a rant. An example of judgement language from the editorial is “That these are significant changes testifies to how repressive the kingdom has been and remains.”


  10. Notes 9/3:
    *Feedback for LTE will be closed Mon. Oct. 14th
    -Editorials are written as though you are the voice of God, “the news with attitude”, current events with clear opinions. These components that form an Editorial are however NOT appropriate for the rest of a newspaper. They start with judgement and how the author feels about a topic.
    -Add only enough evidence that pertains to your argument, or evidence that will allow readers to form their own argument.
    -Look at headlines to see judgement in the diction “Someone Blinks”, “Drowned Out”
    -Editorials are meant to prompt and encourage their audiences
    Activity:Identifying judgment language in “Note to the Impeachment Investigators..”
    – “Mr. Trump’s personal attorney/fixer.”
    -“Mr. Barr should have formally


  11. ahntkd99 says:

    * The feedback for the LTE is closing on Oct 14th.
    THe Missing Dollar Paradox
    – The three ladies each paid 10 dollars (total 30 dollars)
    – The bill was 25 dollars, and the waiter should gave back 5 dollars to the ladies
    – The waiter can’t divide the bills equally among the ladies
    – He decided to put 2 dollars in his own pocket and gave each of the ladies 1 dollar
    – Ladies paid 9 dollars, so total is 27 dollars. The waiter has 2 dollars in his pocket. 27+2=29…. but the ladies originally handed over 30 dollars.
    – Where is the missing dollar?
    – I replied that that was just calculating problem because 25(pay bill)+3(per ladies)+2(waiter)=30.

    Editorials Page
    – Editorial is due oct 7th by 11:59
    – Editorials are opinionated
    – Use the link in the Editorials Page section to review what and editorial should look like
    – Editorials starts with judgement


  12. lucbe219 says:

    Editorials are meant for the ‘why’ this certain thing happened, and also begin with judgments. However, journalists cannot give opinions when sharing the news. ‘Blink’ in news articles means giving up and giving in. Editorials give us advice to act and how we should act on a specific topic. Titles are compact with judgments to reel in readers. Editorials do not have as much evidence as news articles, however, they incorporate language to make their readers feel a certain way. The editorial I read about immigration was telling us readers how President Trump has denied many immigrants from entering the United States. Americas democracy is supposed to be a place for immigrants and refugees, yet we are trying desperately to keep most of them far from our borders. Trump is being held accountable for the actions of keeping the borders strictly monitored.


  13. Started with a riddle on the missing dollar. Turns out the words make it seem like a dollar was missing but its not.
    We then went over what editorialist do in there writing rather then journalist. Editorials give opinion and may start out with opinion right from the get go. Words like “Drown out” and “Blink” in the headlines should give hint that the article you are about to view is a editorial. Words like “Owes” and “Must” are also used in editorials to get the reader to switch sides or strengthen your argument. When not talking about facts they usually start using logic and emotion to get you to switch/stay sides.


  14. bmdpiano says:


    – Missing Dollar
    How things are ordered or worded makes all the difference.

    Editorials Page:
    – Editorials are under the opinion tab on the NY Times site.
    – The more comments or interaction on an editorial, the longer it stays on the launch page. This shows that they are popular and sparking more conversation.

    Components of Editorials:
    – To show a point of view, not facts
    – Start with judgement and provide a conclusion. They only provide evidence to help readers understand how they came to that conclusion.
    – Job is to express an opinion, not a completed argument with a bunch of evidence.
    – Language of judgement in headlines. Ex: “Drown out” or “Blink.”
    – Language of ethical imperatives. Prompts us to think a certain way.
    – Teaser text. A claim and words making that claim are used to tease the editorial.
    – Logic, reason, and emotional language.
    – Some headlines are not imperative at all. They can be more instructional, rather than informational.

    – Review of the Boris Johnson Editorial
    There is a lot of judgement language and putting blame, but more on Boris Johnson. There really was not an urge for Britain to do anything or call to action. All of the pressure is being placed on the prime minister. This editorial is more to make people think about the choices about the British government and for an opinion.


  15. roses0102 says:

    – Opinions are found in the editorial page of NYT
    -Editorials begin with conclusion, telling us how the writer feels about a topic.
    -Editorials replace facts with feelings and passion
    -titles represent ethical judgment.
    -Ethical imperative
    -links provided in the editorial provide where the source came from
    – My impressions this editorial is that it needs a call to action . What can we do about this, what should we do?
    -The author in this editorial is most definitely making it clear how he feels,


  16. ajuuy7 says:

    First we learned that the feedback closes on October 14th for the Letter to the Editor drafts. Editorials are opinionated and we should choose our topics wisely and based off of our own interests. They begin with judgements and say exactly how the authors feel about the news and start with their conclusions. Then add evidence to provide readers with why the author feels this way. Refer to third link to see what to look for in titles of editorials. After stating the facts and conclusions the rest of the editorial should be logic, reason and emotional language. We had to chose an article and look for language such as ethical imperative which is “should” “have to” “responsibility” and judgement language which would be words like “guilty” or “blame.”


  17. thefrontbottom says:

    Notes 10/3
    -LTE feedback loop closes on 10/14
    -Thought about missing dollar paradox! Figures out there’s no missing dollar, the calculations were wrong.
    -Went over how to find the editorial page on the NYTimes.
    -Went over difference of fact vs. opinion discussing editorials. We look to the newspaper for a more objective view, instead of an opinion.
    -Editorials begin with judgement instead of facts. They urge, compel, and claim.
    -Editorials have emotion and ethical imperative.
    -Read our own editorial, picked from the NYTimes, and analyzed it for the components of an editorial. The editorial “Trump Tears Up the Welcome Mat” includes a lot of judgement regarding Trump and the Trump Administration. The author only uses ethical imperative a couple times, encouraging congress to take action, not so much civilians.


  18. yankeefan25 says:

    – We went over the riddle and then determined that most people go to the newspaper for facts and news and not opinion.
    – It is necessary to take a stand on one side of the problem in an editorial. This is ok in editorials but any other part of the newspaper this would be inappropriate. In normal articles you have to be completely impartial and cannot speculate on why something happened. This is where editorialists come into play. They start with judgement and conclusions.
    – If you read an editorial and did not agree with it thats your own fault. They aren’t trying to convince you they are just looking for thought provocation.
    – The teaser text is placed there by the newspaper to encourage you to click on that link.
    – We talked about how the words you you can makes many claims and this is called judgmental language. Look for suppressed emotion and passion. They come across in word choice.
    -We read the article about the death of the journalist overseas. The writer in some areas seems like he wants to jump through the paper. They have a lot of emotion in the writing. They choose certain words and phrases to use which shows how they feel about the situation at hand. The language used is extremely important in editorial writing.


  19. mpsj13 says:

    Feed back ends October 14th.
    Components of an Editorial
    – It is acceptable and often necessary for editors to share their opinions in their writing
    – Editorials speculate on the “why” of the news. The editorials display an opinion.
    – Editorials begin with judgement and add fact to support their opinions.
    – Editorials use language in their titles to highlight their opinion and give advice and urge the reader.
    – An editorial title makes several claims in the teaser text to persuade the reader to read the article.
    – Instead of evidence an editorial contains logic, reason, and emotional language.
    – Passion and emotion should be apparent in an editorial.
    – An editorial can also be used to make the reader think of an issue in a different way than they have seen it in the past.
    – Ethical imperative: we must, we should


  20. -“ethical imperatives” is what you will find in editorials. Editorials are used to convince us of an opinion. Editors use editorials to express their opinion. Judgement can be found inside the title of the editorial.

    -claims can be in one word “savage” “murderer” “exposed” are strong one word claims.

    -speaking passionately, logically, only lasts so long. Eventually, all that’s left is emotional language. Looked for passion and suppressed emotion in editorials


  21. 10/03/19 Notes
    You can receive feedback by Monday, Oct.14
    Missing Dollar Paradox:
    – The 3 ladies each gave $10 to total $30
    – The bill was $25, and the waiter was given back $5 in dollars
    – The waiter gave each lady $1 and kept $2
    – This means the ladies each paid $9. 9 times 3 equals 27. 27 plus 2 equals 29 and not 30.
    – We attempt to find out as a class what happened to the missing dollar.
    Editorials Page:
    – We take a look through the editorials page on The New York Times website
    Components of an Editorial:
    – The opinionated nature is clearly in an editorial
    – It is important for an editor to be specific. Blunt statements that are normally inappropriate for journalist to express is acceptable in an editorial.
    – Language of judgement in headlines of editorials signals to the reader the editor’s point of view.
    – Editors attempt to compel action at best, or at worst a change of heart. They use language of ethical imperatives.
    – Grammar lesson: form the plural first, and add the ” ‘s ” when showing ownership. ex. “women’s.” Remove the s in ” ‘s ” when the plural already has an “s” in the end. Ex. ” editorials’. “


  22. hershey515 says:

    Comp 8 AM Notes October 3 2019
    – [ ] In the beginning of class Professor discussed how feedback is still okay until the 14th towards the letter to the editor draft
    – [ ] We then started class with a riddle whereby we must find the missing dollar.
    – [ ] The answer to the riddle was to see how you can compose an explanation to the riddle even though it was a trick question.
    – [ ] Editorial writing is very opinionated. Opinions essays are a requirement for editorials.
    – [ ] What you say you need to do is a judgement call, When you say something is obligated it is a fact
    – [ ] Editors express themselves, there is no room for apologies in a editorial you are stating your judgement.
    – [ ] There is no obligation for evidence to justify your reasoning
    – [ ] To blink is to recognize ones opinion and backing down.


  23. hershey says:

    Comp 8 AM Notes October 3 2019
    – [ ] In the beginning of class Professor discussed how feedback is still okay until the 14th towards the letter to the editor draft
    – [ ] We then started class with a riddle whereby we must find the missing dollar.
    – [ ] The answer to the riddle was to see how you can compose an explanation to the riddle even though it was a trick question.
    – [ ] Editorial writing is very opinionated. Opinions essays are a requirement for editorials.
    – [ ] What you say you need to do is a judgement call, When you say something is obligated it is a fact
    – [ ] Editors express themselves, there is no room for apologies in a editorial you are stating your judgement.
    – [ ] There is no obligation for evidence to justify your reasoning
    – [ ] To blink is to recognize ones opinion and backing down.


  24. compclass8 says:

    Editorials start with judgement and only add evidence when it’s necessary to illustrate. Theres no start with a story line they start with how they feel and why they feel that. They invite reactions for readers. For editorials you want words of judgment in your headline because it states a point of view before reading the text.


  25. bestbaker123 says:

    – “Missing dollar” was a trick to make you believe that the woman paid $9 even though we were told they each paid $10, which makes you think there is a dollar missing
    – Editorials should have blunt statements, and not be unfair.
    – We go to newspapers looking for objective writing
    – Editorials start with judgement: ex. “The girl from the accident should be compensated for her injuries.”
    – SHOULD language makes a statement full of judgement, instead of facts.
    – Editorials aren’t obligated to provide evidence, but can be blunt opinionated sentences.
    – Editorials give advice. They urge readers to take action. They make recommendations. They want to change the way you think and act.
    – Editorials use feelings to be emotional and to reason with the reader
    – “fair and unfair” is moral imperative language
    – Possessive puncuatation: for one person the apostrophe goes before the s
    For more than one person, the apostrophe goes after the s
    Ex. “woman’s purse” “womens’ bags”


  26. The feedback for the LTE is closing on the fourteenth of October. Editorial are allowed to be highly opinionated with words that some journalists would never use in their objective writing. An example is “Cheers in Beijing can’t drown out the protesters in Hong Kong”. To determine the opinion, look at the choice of vocabulary. For example, to bluster is a negative connotation when it comes to describing an event or person. Language of ethical imperatives needs to be looked for as well such us “owes, can’t and shouldn’t”. Teaser texts should have some claims to pull in readers such as describing a “savage murder” which pulls at our emotions. There is not much evidence present, but more so why they feel the way they feel. Some informational phrases may have ethical imperatives. For example “it’s a start, maybe” meaning that yes they think this is the beginning, but it also means thee editors want more done. When saying a plural possessive, put the apostrophe after the s. Examples include, “editors'”.


  27. influenza123 says:

    The components of an editorial were discussed. The discussion opened with Professor Hodges showing students that editorials can be found under the opinion tab on the homepage of

    It was explained how we expect newspapers, which contain news, to be factual but newspapers do in fact contain opinions. The difference between a fact and a claim/judgment-call was discussed. The following example was given:

    Fact: The woman was hit by a car.
    Judgment Call: The woman was run down by a negligent driver.

    The most prominent form of opinions within newspapers is the editorial section. The language used in the titles of the New York Times editorials was discussed. The titles often consisted of judgment calls and ethical imperatives that made the opinionated nature of the writing obvious. Rather than give information, editorials give advice and attempt to change the way one thinks. Editorials begin with judgment and then provide information. Many editorials do not contain very much evidence. Rather, they may replace this with explanations of their thoughts/opinions or reasoning.


  28. smellycat23 says:

    Class began with a riddle about the missing dollar. Three girls pay a bill for $30 but get a dollar back from the waiter after he pockets $2. There is no missing dollar but the riddle was used to practice how well we can explain something.

    Then we looked at editorials, which are highly opinionated and that is a rule, not an exception because they would fail if they did not include an objective. We discussed the difference between judgmental calls and statements. The sentence, “The girl was hit by a car in the crosswalk,” is a statement. The sentence, “The girl was hit by a negligent driver,” is a judgement call. Also, an editorial is not obligated to give a plethora of evidence. They make a judgement call and provide evidence to confirm their belief. Editorial title’s use language that journalists would not use, like the words: bluster, blink and drown out. Another component is attempting to compel the reader to have a change of heart.

    Class ended with a grammar lesson with the example: editors’ opinions. That means there are opinions of more than one editor. The Hodges rule is that of you don’t pronounce it, get rid of it. He also told us to form the plural first then add apostrophe s and get rid of the s if not said out loud.


  29. athenapup4 says:

    Riddle: The Missing Dollar Paradox
    The ladies handed over $30. The bill was actually $25 so the cashier gave the waiter back $5 to give to the ladies. The waiter realizes he cannot split $5 evenly by 3 people so decides to keep $2 and return $3 back to the ladies (as they don’t see the actual bill). So each lady only paid $9. 9 times 3 is $27 plus the $2 the waiter kept which equal $29. Where is the missing dollar?
    There is no missing dollar. You can’t have two solutions to this math problem ($29 and $30). Two sums are being compared when they are not related. The total of $30 is still there because you have the $25 in the register, $1 per person ($3) and then the $2 in the waiter’s pocket. 25 + 3+2= 30.
    Editorial is due 10/7 by 11:59.
    Use the link provided under the demonstration section to review what an editorial should look like and consist of.
    Must choose your own subject matter.
    Editorials are very opinionated.
    Be aware of judgement language and factual language.
    Editorials give advice and attempt to compel action at best. Urge readers actions and try to change the readers thinking and acting.
    Teaser Text: Number of claims made.
    Example: The journalist’s savage murder exposed Saudi Arabia’s ruler as an enemy of a free press. His legacy should not stop there.
    “savage murderer” would have 2 claims. Savage and murderer. “Legacy” would be one claim explaining the journalist legacy he had after death. “Exposed” is a claim.
    Editorials are short. Explain in at least amount of words possible.
    Not every editorial head line (title) has to have an ethical view.
    Example: Nancy Pelosi Is Sending a Message.
    This is stating facts rather than an ethical or moral imperative.


  30. lelebxby says:

    Missing Dollar Paradox
    – In regards for the paradox, there is really no missing dollar. The waiter gave the cashier 30 and in return got 5 dollars back. If the waiter kept 2 dollars and gave each of the women one dollar, there would be no money left over at the end of the transaction. Thus there being no missing dollar.
    Editorial Components
    – We discussed the differences of a statement of fact vs judgement call, how one change in language can change one’s claim entirely.
    – Editorials begin with judgment and add evidence merely to provide confirmation for decisions the editors have already made.
    – Editorials deliver the nuance of opinion that signals the editors’ point of view before the first word of text.
    – When reviewing editorials, it’s important to look out for key words like “Owes” and “Must”.
    – Hodge’s Rule: write out the plural, add apostrophe “s”, and if you don’t hear the second “s”, get rid of it.


  31. iamsleepy01 says:

    – Missing dollar riddle
    – Go over how to go to the editorials page on NYTimes. Go the the homepage and clicked on Opinions and then click on Editorials.
    – Fact and judgement calls are different. This students are missing is a fact. The students should be in class is a judgement call.
    – editorials starts with judgement and back up that judgement. Look for the judgement in the title.
    – Editorials can give advice using the language of ethical imperative. Ethics Impreratives does not need to have one.


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