Riddle: How can these be flat?

Request for Student Evaluations

Rate My Professor

Portfolio Task: Op-Ed for Portfolio

In Class Task: Let’s write an Op-Ed

  1. Do a Google search for: “social media” “body dysmorphia”
    1. be sure to put social media and body dysmorphia quotation marks
    2. Use the Tools menu to select articles during the past year.
  2. Read any first-page article
  3. Link to the article in a Reply below and provide two or three details that should be included in our Op-Ed about social media and body dysmorphia
  4. Let’s write the introduction to an Op-Ed based on all the details we’ve gathered.


42 Responses to CLASS 24: THU NOV 21

  1. morra2024 says:


    0. Instead of a usual riddle, we watched a video about unbelievably realistic 3D art illusions, which are merely paintings on the walls and floor.

    1. Portfolios are a measure of our growth as writers. In theory, final portfolio versions of assignments ought to be radically different from their initial drafts. The more, the better. There is always room for more improvement.


  2. tenere84 says:

    Notes 11/21

    Riddle: the artistic creations are simply brilliant illusions. The visual presentations were graffiti paintings that were depicted on corners of a wall. They looked as if they 3D, but in fact they were carefully crafted to look so. The artists changed the shading and proportions of the art as it approached the corner (i.e by making it bigger, lighter) to make it look like 3D art or at least as if it were on a flat plane.

    Rate My Professor
    – I’d give perhaps a 5.0 for quality and a 3.5 for difficulty.

    – One of the main ideas of creating a portfolio is to display the students’ improvements over the course of the semester.
    – No matter how good one’s drafts are, there should always be improvement in the portfolio counterpart.

    In Class Task: Let’s write an Op-Ed
    Details from article:
    – “…the more time teenage girls spent on Facebook, the more likely they were to develop negative body image.”
    – “Many people have things about their appearance that they do not like, but for those with BDD, thoughts about one’s flaws are invasive.”
    – “Consumers have been exposed to images of the “ideal” body for decades, in magazines, television, movies, and other forms of media. But now, the opportunity for comparison is endless.”

    Article link:


  3. ajuuy7 says:

    A sentence can have different meanings in different contexts just like optical illusions. We filled out a rate my professor and found out the agenda for the next few classes. We are going to have to do a reflection paper and a one on one meeting about our overall grade. The Op-Ed for portfolio is due before Monday at 12. Also, we searched for how social media is affecting people with body dysmorphia.


  4. voxpopuli75 says:

    -Context matters; the same sentence can have very different meanings based on the context.
    – Make sure to ask for specific feedback when posting your work under feedback please.
    -Grade conferences are on December 12th and the 17th the last official day of class is December 10th. Our portfolios will be finalized on the 10th.


  5. mpsj13 says:

    -While focusing in on one thing, field of vision becomes increasingly smaller.
    -The same sentence can hold different meanings in different paragraphs because of the difference in contexts.
    -Portfolio should show evolution of a work and display the progress made on the piece
    -Once portfolio is verified a time can be chosen for a conference about final grade
    -Describe what has been done to exemplify the core values of the department.


  6. lucbe219 says:

    To start class we began with a riddle to see if we could see what is two dimensional versus what is three dimensional. Quickly after, we went on to completing a survey to evaluate the professor, and also rated him on Finally, we moved onto editing our op-ed for portfolio. We are to create our new draft of the op-ed, and submitting it on November 26 at midnight. Before we left class, we were instructed to search “social media” and “body dysmorphia” in google.

    Details from article
    1. “Social media gives power and influence to people who are not necessarily prepared to use it responsibly.”
    2. “A rampant social media culture encourages women to hate our bodies…”
    3. “With followings of millions of young women, celebrities should be more careful about what they post. Advertising harmful weight-loss products is not a responsible use of social media.”


  7. bmdpiano says:


    -The picture that appears to be moving is like this because we see the whole field and it seems to move because our brain tries to place information in context.
    -This is much like writing since one sentence can mean many different things in different contexts.

    Op-Ed for Portfolio:
    -Portfolio version due Mon, Nov. 26 at midnight
    -Continue to revise and improve from the the draft. The more different between each draft and portfolio version, the better.
    -Showing improvement


  8. 11/21
    – How Can These Be Flat?
    – Art pretty much manipulates what you see and how you see it
    – Making the image perfectly can really make you think you see one thing when its really not there
    – Watched a video of artists doing such a manipulation

    Survey and Rating
    – Had to go on Rowan Banner to submit a survey on Prof
    – Answered a couple questions and wrote a little about each to say how I really feel
    – Then went to rate our professor on the website
    – Looked at the ratings for our professor and read the comments about him
    – Gave my own personal opinion in which I truly believe he is a great professor

    – Discussed the following schedule for the rest of the semester
    – Discussed how our portfolios will be made
    – Learned how I have to fix my writings and how they will be graded
    – We have a meeting either the 12th or 17th of December which we receive our final grade for the semester and we see how we improved

    – We were given the task to search up articles using two keys subjects and then read them
    – After reading the article we were told to place 2-3 ideas in the article into our own comment in which they would fit into an Op-Ed opener.
    – Not everyone had the same articles which made it more broad of a assignment making it better to find more info on the topic
    – We then wrote a opening paragraph for an op-ed in the last 5 min of class


  9. Riddle (Optical illusions)
    – An optical illusion was placed up on the monitor for us when we walked in and had the effect of being a moving image even though its is only a 2d still image.
    – The closer you are the less the optical illusion works until it just looks like the 2d image it is.
    – (Purple Dot and Green Marker experiment) Our professor drew a purple dot on the white board and told us to look at it while he held a green marker out of our peripheral vision.
    – If we only focused on the purple dot, we would never be able to tell the color of the marker or even see the marker in some cases.
    – (3D graffiti) the graffiti is done in such a way that at a certain angle the image looks like it is coming off the walls or is even floating in midair.
    Request for Student Evaluations
    – Leave feedback on Rate My Professor
    – Completed course evaluation on self-service banner
    Portfolio Task (Op-Ed for portfolio)
    – It’s important to include a draft along with a final draft for our portfolio as to show progression.
    – Copy and paste our draft into a file and revise it until it becomes our final revision.
    – In order to create “distance” between our drafts and portfolio copies if they are similar, we can strive to make our portfolio copies better or even make our drafts worst by undoing all the improvements we have made.


  10. 11/21 Notes:
    -The time for Op-Ed draft feedback has passed, meaning that when the op-ed for portfolio is posted there will be a week for polishing.
    -The last few classes will be devoted to reflections and conferences about our semester’s writing.
    -Be sure to find missing assignments as they can drag your portfolio grade down.
    -We researched the effects of social media on the strenuous condition of body dysmorphia.
    –“With so much of life now lived online, from dating to job-hunting, recent, quality images of yourself are also a necessity – it is no wonder that Facetune (Apple’s most popular paid-for app of 2017) and the free follow-up Facetune2 have more than 55m users between them.”
    –“Esho says the pervasiveness of airbrushing on social media means it can create “unrealistic expectations of what is normal” and lower the self-esteem of those who don’t use it: “It’s a vicious cycle.”


  11. ahntkd99 says:

    How can these be flat?
    – 3D art is that is actually 2D art
    Request for Student Evaluations
    – Go to Banner
    – Click “Answer a Survey”
    – Click on the student evaluation for your class
    – Complete the student evaluation
    Rate My Professor
    – Go to
    – Rate your professor
    Op-Ed for Portfolio
    – By midnight Mon Nov 26, you will need to copy and paste your current effort into a new post called Op-Ed for Portfolio
    Let’s write an Op-Ed
    – Do a Google search for: “social media” “body dysmorphia”
    – Read any first-page article
    – Link to the article in a Reply below and provide two or three details that should be included in or Op-Ed about social media and body dysmorphia
    – Let’s wrote the introduction to an Op-Ed based on all the details we’ve gathered.
    – ” In recent years, social media has become much more visual in presentation and layout.”
    – ” However, it is the evolution of the technology used to manipulate and alter images that have researchers concerned.”
    – ” Social media channels may not create eating disorders and other mental health concerns, but these websites can exacerbate a pre-existing problem.”



    – US medical journal JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery suggested that filtered images’ could be triggering body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), a mental health condition where people become fixated on imagined defects in their appearance.
    – People are requesting procedures to resemble digitally altered images of themselves. Patients had once brought in pictures of celebrities, they were now pointing to their own filtered photos.


  13. Valcom says:

    Social media is causing a negative impact on the current generation and for future generations to come. Not bringing up awareness and trying to change the problems occurring, the future of how people view them selves and others will change.
    [] “The brain of the viewer who is looking at the image may not realize that it has been altered. This lack of awareness can have a negative impact on the viewer’s personal body image, and potentially lead to an eating disorder.”
    [] “As more studies are conducted, it appears that the heavy consumption of social media content can create negative consequences.”


  14. lg102015 says:
    Social media and filters that cause body dysmorphia, can cause people to be insecure about their body. This can be the cause of some eating disorders.
    Social media dysmorphia for example snapchat, in some cases can negatively effect someones self-esteem. If severe enough, these issues can turn into body dysmorphia disorder.
    “A recent study from the American Journal of Preventive Medicine indicated that the more time individuals spent on social media websites, the more isolated and lonely they felt.”


  15. ajuuy7 says:

    “Over 30 per cent of my clients come with visual references of social media influencers to demonstrate the look they’d like,” award-winning cosmetic doctor Dr Esho tells us.
    New stats from the Mental Health Foundation found that 22 per cent of adults and 40 per cent of teens say images on social media cause them to worry about their body image.
    Dr.Esho calls it ‘Snapchat dysmorphia’ and expresses his concern for the mental health of young patients who maybe won’t come out of this phase of comparing yourself to others on social media.


  16. mpsj13 says:
    Constant access to, often photo shopped, photos has led to an increase in body dismorphia in youth.
    Body dismorphia itself is not classified as an eating disorder but can and often does lead to the development of one.


    – “Mental health professionals are concerned that unknowingly viewing heavily edited images can create a sense of body dysmorphia in the viewers.”
    – “These images can portray an unrealistic and unattainable reality.”
    – ” This lack of awareness can have a negative impact on the viewer’s personal body image, and potentially lead to an eating disorder.”
    Body dysmorphia is being widely noticed around the world because of the creations of these editing apps and filters people use. They are creating a false image of one’s looks which is later causing individuals to have issues such as eating disorders.


  18. voxpopuli75 says:
    – “Issues occur when the people who are viewing the images are not aware that they are looking at a distorted reality. This images may present body image concepts that are physically unrealistic.”

    – “But now the technology has advanced to a level where the common social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat all have heavily edited photos. These images can portray an unrealistic and unattainable reality.”

    – “Mental health professionals are concerned that unknowingly viewing heavily edited images can create a sense of body dysmorphia in the viewers. The term Snapchat Dysmorphia is now becoming an increasingly common phrase.”


  19. bmdpiano says:
    -Social Media such as Snapchat and Intsagram offer filters that mask reality which converts those who use them to a fantasy world. It eventually makes them want to look like their idealized version and often they consider plastic surgery.
    -A posted picture can make a person feel worse if it does not get many positive responses.
    -Constantly comparing appearances.


  20. yankeefan25 says:
    The use of social media and body dysmorphia have a direct correlation according to physicians. Excessive engagement with the platform Instagram can cause eating disorders.
    The photos meant to inspire the viewer are often the ones that cause the most damage.


  21. Valcom says:

    Notes 11/21/19
    [ ] Riddle: The brain tricks you into thinking that 3d graffiti is actually moving or popping out of the wall because the brain tries to always find an answer.
    [ ] Course Evaluation: On student banner, students are to log on and find the surveys tab. Students are to then be honest and answer the survey questions about the class and anything they thought was good or negative.
    [ ] Op-Ed Portfolio: Copy and paste (at the minimum if you made no changes) for the Op-Ed Portfolio in a new post. Due by Monday Nov 26th.
    -Making changes is always better but it is ok to at least post it by the day by copying and pasting.
    [ ] “Social Media” “Body Dysmorphia”
    -On google we researched the two things stated above, looking for articles on google then finding three sentences or lines to support the topic for a quick Op-Ed.
    -We had to write an introduction to an Op Ed based on the topic given and the research we found.


  22. lg102015 says:

    Class Notes 11/21/19
    To start off class we went over pictures that are optical illusions, we learned how when using certain angles you can turn a 2D image into a 3D image.
    Then we were asked to complete a survey that allowed us to give feedback on what it is like to have Professor Hodges. We also got the chance to go on Rate my Professor, to write a response about David Hodges for the Incoming freshman or anyone that uses Rate my Professor.
    Then We went over the op-ed for portfolio, that is due on Monday at 12 am.
    Lastly we decided to write an op-ed as a class, we were asked to find research on the effects social media has on body dysmorphia.


  23. bestbaker123 says:

    Notes 11/21/19
    – Riddle: The 3D looking art that is actually just 2D art done by paint. The man uses shadows and different shades of colors to make it look like his painting on the walls are 3D.
    – Rate My Professor: I never really use rate my professor because I like to make my own judgments or impressions of my professors. But, sometimes they can stop you from making a mistake like registering for a prof that is mean and doesn’t really care about the class. I left an honest review on the website, encouraging people to take the class.
    – Survey for the Class: We did a survey that was anonymous and it was an honest survey about what we thought about the course and the prof.
    – Op-Ed: Portfolio version due by November 26 and the final pieces of your portfolio should be done and should be representations of your best efforts.
    – In class Op-Ed on social media dysmorphia: We all read articles and found 2-3 important details that we would include in an Op-Ed.


  24. 11/21/2019 Notes
    Riddle: How can these be flat?
    – we take a look at graffiti artwork that tricks our eyes into thinking that they are in 3D.
    Request for Student Evaluations
    – we take a survey evaluating our professor and rate our professor.
    Portfolio Task: Op-Ed for Portfolio:
    – Op-Ed for Portfolio should be published by midnight Mon Nov 26
    – There will be no specific deadline for revisions, and your professor will continue to provide limited feedback if and as time permits.
    – We review the assignment details that are the same as for the draft.
    Portfolio conferences will take place during our last days of class.
    In Class Task: Let’s write an Op-Ed:
    – We find a few important details in different articles to create an opening of an Op-Ed in class


  25. hershey515 says:

    8 Am Comp Class Notes
    – [ ] How 3 D graffiti projects are done to make an illusion of something it’s seems even though it’s not there it just appears
    Course Evaluation
    – [ ] Students had to fill out a survey the writing department. These questions were based off the expectations Professor H. meets as a professor.
    Op Ed for Portfolio
    – [ ] By Nov. 26, you’ll need to copy and paste your current effort into a new post called Op-Ed for Portfolio
    – [ ] Place a title on your writing piece

    “social media” “body dysmorphia”
    – [ ] We google searched those specific words and found one article and had to pick 3 important things that you would add into an Op-Ed
    – [ ] We then had to write an introduction to an Op Ed based on this topic.


  26. smellycat23 says:

    Mr. Hodges showed us spray paint graffiti wall art that is 3D but is painted in the corner of a wall. We also took a survey for him and rated him on Rate My Professor.
    Our Op-Ed for portfolio is due Monday, November 26 at midnight.
    He went over a lot of information regarding the end of the semester classes, including a meeting we’ll have about our grades and what to do for Comp 2.
    We had to look up “social media” and “body dysmorphia” to write an Op-Ed. I found some interesting facts like how beauty industries emphasize thinness leads to women feeling like their life is dependent on their weight and size. Also, studies conducted in the 1990s found that the most wished things among girls 11-17 and middle-aged women was able to lose weight and keep it off.


  27. lelebxby says:

    Class Notes – 11/21/19
    -We began class looking at optical illusion artworks, how with the right angles and perspective, one can use a 2d canvas to make 3d works.
    -Afterwards, we filled out student evaluations and left “rate my professor” posts to let future students know of the perks of having David Hodges as a Comp Professor.
    -Lastly, the class gathered research to write an Op-Ed on the effects social media has on body dysmorphia.


    “Nowadays, social media is the biggest influence on how we perceive our bodies. The norm is for women to be skinny and tall like modern day models and for men to be ripped like athletes.”
    “According to statistics from, 70 percent of young girls, ages 15-17, struggle with self-esteem and negative body perception.”
    “Even though body dysmorphia is an ongoing issue, a simple act of kindness can build confidence within a person.” We should include an example of how we can resolve the issue.


  29. morra2024 says:

    “It is unclear what causes body dysmorphic disorder, but it is believed that environmental factors like peer pressure, bullying, and online media consumption play a role in the development of the condition.”


  30. bestbaker123 says:
    – people are so used to seeing heavily edited photos in ads, that they don’t even realize the images hav been airbrushed and perfected
    – there is a definitive correlation between social media usage and negative feelings
    – photo editing software is becoming the norm which alters the reality of beauty and body image


  31. hershey515 says:

    * The growth in cases of what some researchers are calling Snapchat dysmorphia can negatively impact people’s self-esteem.
    * Other Studies have already shown that there is a correlation between social media use and eating disorders like Orthorexia.
    * Researchers believe that social media websites expose people to “highly idealized representations” of other people’s lives.


  32. iamsleepy01 says:
    – heavily edited images can portray an unrealistic and unattainable reality.
    – “ The fact that software Lightroom can alter reality is not problematic. Issues occur when the people who are viewing the images are not aware that they are looking at a distorted reality. This images may present body image concepts that are physically unrealistic.”

    Liked by 1 person

  33. athenapup4 says:

    The main question is whether or not users know that the images posted on social media were heavily edited through digital filters. The brain of the user may not know that the image has been edited. This lack of knowledge can soon lead to an individual developing an eating disorder.
    A recent study from the American Journal of Preventive Medicine indicated that the more time individuals spent on social media websites, the more isolated and lonely they felt. Researchers believe that social media websites expose people to “highly idealized representations” of other people’s lives. This, in turn, creates feelings of envy as well as a distorted belief that other people are happier and more successful.


  34. smellycat23 says: What Everyone Should Know About Social Media And Body Image
    -30 million Americans will experience an eating disorder at some time in their lives, many are in their teenage years
    -In 2014, multiple studies over the years have found a correlation between social media use and negative body image-> the more time teens spent on Facebook, the more likely they were to develop a negative body image; only can get worse with the popularity of Instagram and Snapchat today
    -advertisements from both the diet and beauty industries emphasized thinness and led many women to feel that their quality of life was dependent on their weight and size


  35. lelebxby says:
    – Current data show that 55% of surgeons report seeing patients who request surgery to improve their appearance in selfies, up from 42% in 2015.
    – Apps like Snapchat and Facetune allow one to alter his or her appearance in an instant and conform to an unrealistic and unattainable standard of beauty within arms reach.
    – Filtered selfies especially can have harmful effects on adolescents (and those struggling with body dysmorphia) because “these groups may more severely internalize this beauty standard.”


    “Both males and females are struggling with their bodies due to new expectations that have been set by social media.”
    “The community should stand together to help reinforce that everyone is beautiful.”
    “The norm is for women to be skinny and tall like modern day models and for men to be ripped like athletes.”


  37. bane1900 says:
    “Body dysmorphic disorder, also known as dysmorphophobia, is a common affliction, affecting approximately 1.7% to 2.4% of the population, with roughly equal distribution among men and women.”
    “Matthew Schulman, a plastic surgeon in New York, says “patients have been coming in with Snapchat filtered selfies to show what they want done to their body.”


  38. iamsleepy01 says:
    – heavily edited images can portray an unrealistic and unattainable reality.
    – “ The fact that software Lightroom can alter reality is not problematic. Issues occur when the people who are viewing the images are not aware that they are looking at a distorted reality. This images may present body image concepts that are physically unrealistic.”


  39. comp0327 says:
    Body dysmorphia has been fueled by social media for many people. Those who suffer may seek out the assistance of a plastic surgeon to help them look how they do with a certain snapchat filter, or like their favorite social media influencer. Surgery, however, is not the cure for BDD. BDD is a mental health disorder and should be treated as such, with therapy and possibly medications.


  40. lazybear8 says:

    Riddle: impressive spray paint 3d art.
    Evaluate professor. Rate professor.
    Op-Ed for portfolio: Copy and paste draft to a new post called Op-Ed for Portfolio-username
    Use all the feedback you have gotten. You can add the draft to your portfolio to show how much it has changed.
    Self-reflective writing assignment. A template will be given. Write about the core values.
    In Class Task: Let’s write an Op-Ed
    Video and image editing create an unrealistic expectation of beauty.
    People are spending an increasing amount of time on new media platforms which have become much more visual in presentation and layout.


  41. gcatt310 says:
    “Mental health professionals are concerned that unknowingly viewing heavily edited images can create a sense of body dysmorphia in the viewers.”
    “The brain of the viewer who is looking at the image may not realize that it has been altered. This lack of awareness can have a negative impact on the viewer’s personal body image, and potentially lead to an eating disorder.”


  42. lovericeandnoodles says:
    In body dysmorphia, one feels sad or insecure about their appearance.
    People with body dysmorphic disorder try to have a more positive outlook on the way they look but struggle to do so.


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