Connecting Claims Exercise

Now try the techniques demonstrated in Grade Levels and Connecting Claims to guide readers through the claims made in the following paragraph.

Drug tests and background checks involved in applying for government aid are an invasion of privacy which many protest. Based on the fourth amendment of the constitution the government has no right to know about an individual’s life. Important human necessities like food, water and shelter should not be withheld from an individual with a drug addiction or a criminal background. Based on drug testing and background results, denying an individual of government aid when they are clearly in need of it is immoral and unjust. Applicants should not be subject to these procedures due to the intrusive and corrupt aspects of them. Drug testing individuals who are applying for government aid is a direct violation of the 4th amendment because it protects people from unreasonable search and seizure. The government does not have the power or right to restrict someone from government aid based on a drug test since it is unconstitutional. If an individual is qualified for welfare, they should receive government aid just based on the fact it is necessary for their well-being. If the government drug tests individuals who are applying for welfare, it will open the door for other amendments to be violated. If states pass a law that requires a drug test for financial aid, it will create a domino effect to violate other aspects of the construction and they will eventually lead to the downfall of the entire American Justice System. There can be no exceptions when it comes to breaking the amendments of the construction; our country has followed the guidelines of the construction for centuries and they cannot be broken under any circumstance.

1. Decide for yourself whether this is one paragraph or two (an introduction and the second paragraph) and where to break the material if it is two.

2. Determine the overall argument being made in the paragraph and first write the argument as a series of unconnected sentences.

3. If possible, turn each sentence into a small logical argument all its own.

4. Then connect the sentences into one or two smooth paragraphs and publish them below as comments to this post.

19 Responses to Connecting Claims Exercise

  1. comp0327 says:

    I vote thefrontbottom.


  2. Drug tests and background checks involved in applying for government aid are an invasion of privacy which many protest. Based on the fourth amendment of the constitution the government has no right to know about an individual’s life. Important human necessities like food, water and shelter should not be withheld from an individual with a drug addiction or a criminal background.
    Applicants should not be subject to these procedures due to the intrusive and corrupt aspects of them. Drug tests on individuals needing to apply for government welfare ignores their 4th amendment right and is a violation because it opens people to an unreasonable search and seizure. The continuation of the violation of rights is a domino effect disaster and there is no excuse as to why this should happen.


  3. The front bottom did it best.


  4. lelebxby says:

    The front bottoms I believe did the best job at condensing.


  5. morra2024 says:

    My vote goes to thefrontbottom


  6. athenapup4 says:

    The fourth amendment of the constitution states that the government has no right to know about an individual’s life. Drug tests and background checks involved in applying for government aid are an invasion of privacy. Denying an individual of government aid based off of drug test and background checks when they are clearly in need of it is immoral and unjust. Food, water and shelter should not be withheld from an individual with a drug addiction or a criminal background. Applicants should not be subject to these procedures due to the intrusive and corrupt aspects of them.
    This is a direct violation of the 4th amendment because it protects people from unreasonable search and seizure. Restricting someone from government aid based on a drug test is unconstitutional. If an individual is qualified for welfare, they should receive government aid for their well-being. Drug testing individuals who are applying for welfare will open the door for other amendments to be violated. If states pass a law that requires a drug test for financial aid, it will create a domino effect to violate other aspects of the construction and they will eventually lead to the downfall of the entire American Justice System. There can be no exceptions when it comes to breaking the amendments of the construction.


  7. ahntkd99 says:

    Many protest the drug tests and background checks involved in applying for government aid. Based on the fourth amendment, the government has no right to know about an individual’s life. Important human necessities like food, water and shelter should not be withheld from an individual with a drug addiction or a criminal background. Drug testing is intrusive, corrupt, and denying a deserving individual of government aid is immoral and unjust. Applicants should not be subject to these procedures due to the intrusive and corrupt aspects of them.
    If the government drug tests individuals who are applying for welfare, it will open the doors for other amendments to be violated. Also if this law is passed, this is the start to other constitutional rights being violated and will eventually lead to the downfall of the American Justice System. There can be no exceptions when it comes to breaking the amendments of the constitution; our country has followed the guidelines of the constitution for centuries and they cannot be questioned now.


  8. ajuuy7 says:

    The fourth amendment of the constiution assures an individuals privacy which is why people are protesting the intrusive background checks and drug tests in applying for government aid. Citizens with drug issues or criminal records should not get denied their basic necessities of food, water and shelter. Applicants should not be subject to these unreasonable search and seizure acts that go against their basic rights. It is unconstitutional for the government to conduct these tests and they should not have the power to restrict aid. There should be no restrictions on government help for any circumstances. If this law is passed, this is the start to other constitutional rights being violated and will eventually lead to the downfall of the American Justice System. There should be no exceptions to breaking the rights of the constitution in which this country has followed for centuries.


  9. bmdpiano says:

    Drug tests and background checks involved in applying for government aid are an invasion of privacy which many protest. Based on the fourth amendment of the constitution the government does not have the right to know about an individual’s life without a warrant. Important human necessities such as food, water and shelter should not be withheld from an individual with a drug addiction or a criminal background. Based on drug testing and background results, denying an individual of government aid when they are clearly in need of it proves to be immoral and unjust.

    Many fight against these procedures due to the intrusive and corrupt aspects of them. Drug testing individuals who are applying for government aid is a direct violation of the fourth amendment because it is supposed to protect people from unreasonable search and seizure. The government does not have the right to restrict government aid based on a drug test since it proves to be unconstitutional. If an individual is qualified for welfare, they should receive government aid based on the fact it is necessary for their well-being. Drug testing individuals who are applying for welfare will open the door for other amendments to be violated. For example, if states pass a law that requires a drug test for financial aid, it will create a domino effect to violate other aspects of the constitution and they will eventually lead to the downfall of the entire American Justice System. There can be no exceptions when it comes to breaking the amendments of the constitution; our country has followed the guidelines of the constitution for centuries and they cannot be questioned now.


  10. lg102015 says:

    The fourth amendment protects people from unreasonable search and seizure, therefore the government can not drug test or conduct background checks when applying for government aid. Human necessities like food, water and shelter are being withheld from individuals with drug addictions or criminal backgrounds, denying an individual of government aid when they are clearly in need of it is immoral and unjust. The government does not have the power or right to restrict someone from government aid based on a drug test since it is unconstitutional. If an individual is qualified for welfare, they should receive government aid just based on the fact it is necessary for their well-being. If the government drug tests individuals who are applying for welfare, it will open the door for other amendments to be violated. There can be no exceptions when it comes to breaking the amendments of the construction; our country has followed the guidelines of the construction for centuries, they cannot be broken under any circumstance. If states pass a law that requires a drug test for financial aid, it will create a domino effect to violate other aspects of the construction, this will eventually lead to the downfall of the entire American Justice System.


  11. mpsj13 says:

    Drug test and background checks involved in applying for government aid are an invasion of privacy which are rightfully protested. Denying government aid from those clearly in need based on results of drug testing and background checks, is immoral and unjust. The 4th amendment of the constitution should protect people from unreasonable search and seizure but allowing these tests directly contradicts this. Based on this amendment, it is unconstitutional to restrict someone from government aid based on a drug test. Important human necessities like food, water and shelter should not be withheld due to the results of drug tests and background checks. An individual qualified for welfare should receive government aid simply because it is a necessity for their well-being. Passing a law that requires a drug test for financial aid will create a domino effect to violate amendments. There can be no exceptions when it comes to breaking amendments of the constitution and passing these laws will lead to the downfall of the entire American Justice System.


  12. lelebxby says:

    Involving drug tests and backgrounds checks in the application of government aid is a direct contradiction to the fourth amendment and is an invasion of one’s privacy. The fourth amendment protects the citizens of the US from unreasonable search and seizure, so by allowing these unconstitutional procedures while applying for the aid is intrusive and corrupts the aspects of them. It’s immoral and unjust to withheld basic human necessities from an individual when they’re clearly in need of it, regardless if said person has a drug addiction or a criminal record.
    The government shouldn’t have the power or right to restrict someone from government aid based on drugs tests. If an individual is qualified for welfare, they should receive it solely based on the fact it is necessary for their well-being. If the government continues drug testing individuals applying for welfare, it will open the door for other amendments to be violated, creating a domino effect that violates other aspects of the constitution and will eventually lead to the downfall of the entire American Justice System. Our country has followed the guidelines of the constitution for centuries so they can’t be broken under any circumstances, no exceptions.


  13. Drug tests and background checks involved in applying for government aid are an invasion of privacy which many protest. Based on the fourth amendment of the constitution, which protects citizens from unreasonable search and seizures, the government has no right to know about an individual’s life. Important human necessities like food, water and shelter should not be withheld from an individual when their constitutional rights are being violated. Based on drug testing and background results, denying an individual of government aid when they are clearly in need of it is immoral and unjust. Applicants should not be subject to these procedures due to the intrusive and corrupt aspects of them.

    The government does not have the power or right to restrict someone from government aid based on a drug test since it is unconstitutional. If an individual is qualified for welfare, they should receive government aid based on the fact of their well-being. If the government drug tests individuals who are applying for welfare, it will open the door for other amendments to be violated. If states pass a law that requires a drug test for financial aid, it will create a domino effect that will violate other aspects of constitutional rights and it will eventually lead to the downfall of the entire American Justice System. There can be no exceptions when it comes to breaking the amendments of the constitution; our country has followed the guidelines of the constitution for centuries and they give our country the label of “freedom”.


  14. Many protest that drug tests and background checks involved in applying for government aid are an invasion of privacy. Based on the fourth amendment, the government has no right to know about an individual’s life. Drug testing government aid applicants is a violation of the 4th amendment because it protects people from unreasonable search and seizure. Denying an individual of government aid based on their results is immoral and unjust. Food, water and shelter should not be withheld from an individual’s life.

    Applicants should not be subject to these procedures due to the intrusive and corrupt aspects of them. It is unconstitutional to restrict someone from government aid based on a drug test. If an individual is qualified for welfare, they should receive government aid. If states pass a law that requires a drug test for financial aid, it will create a domino effect to violate other aspects of the construction and will lead to the downfall of the American Justice System. There can be no exceptions when it comes to breaking the amendments of the construction. Our country has followed the guidelines of the construction for centuries and they cannot be broken under any circumstances.


  15. Drug tests and background checks involved in applying for government aid are an invasion of privacy which many protest. Based on the fourth amendment of the constitution the government has no right to know about an individual’s life. Important human necessities like food, water and shelter should not be withheld from an individual with a drug addiction or a criminal background. Based on drug testing and background results, denying an individual of government aid when they are clearly in need of it is immoral and unjust.

    Applicants should not be subject to these procedures due to the intrusive and corrupt aspects of them. Drug testing individuals who are applying for government aid is a direct violation of the 4th amendment because it protects people from unreasonable search and seizure. The government does not have the power or right to restrict someone from government aid based on a drug test since it is unconstitutional. If an individual is qualified for welfare, they should receive government aid just based on the fact it is necessary for their well-being. If the government drug tests individuals who are applying for welfare, it will open the door for other amendments to be violated. If states pass a law that requires a drug test for financial aid, it will create a domino effect to violate other aspects of the construction and they will eventually lead to the downfall of the entire American Justice System. There can be no exceptions when it comes to breaking the amendments of the construction; our country has followed the guidelines of the construction for centuries and they cannot be broken under any circumstance.


  16. voxpopuli75 says:

    The drug tests and background checks required to be eligible for government aid are an invasion of privacy which we should protest. Applicants should not be subject to these intrusive and corrupt procedures. Based on the fourth amendment of the constitution the government has no right to know about an individual’s life. Drug testing individuals who are applying for government aid is a direct violation of the 4th amendment which protects people from unreasonable search and seizure. Due to this amendment, the government does not have the power or right to restrict someone from government aid based on a drug test. There can be no exceptions when it comes to breaking the amendments of the construction; our country has followed the guidelines of the construction for centuries and they cannot be broken under any circumstance. If the government drug tests individuals who are applying for welfare, it will open the door for other amendments to be violated. It will create a domino effect to violate other aspects of the construction and they will eventually lead to the downfall of the entire American Justice System.

    Additionally, denying an individual in need of government aid based on drug testing and background results is immoral and unjust. Important human necessities like food, water and shelter should not be withheld from an individual with a drug addiction or a criminal background. If an individual is qualified for welfare, they should receive government aid just based on the fact that it is necessary for their well-being.


  17. lucbe219 says:

    Many protest the drug tests and background checks involved in applying for government aid. They believe that it is a major invasion of privacy which the fourth amendment agrees with while saying, “the government has no right to know about an individual’s life.” Drug testing government aid applicants is a direct violation of that amendment due to its protection from unreasonable search and seizure. Important human necessities like food, water and shelter should not be withheld from an individual with a drug addiction or a criminal background. Denying an individual of government aid based on their results is immoral and unjust.

    These procedures are intrusive and corrupt and all should be avoided. It is unconstitutional for the government to restrict someone from government aid based on a drug test. If an individual is qualified for welfare, they should receive it immediately. If the government drug tests these applicants, it will open the door for other amendments to be violated. If laws are passed to require a drug test for financial aid, it will again create a domino effect to violate other aspects of the construction. Eventually it will lead to the downfall of the entire American Justice System. There can be no exceptions when it comes to breaking the amendments of the construction. Our country has followed these guidelines for centuries and they cannot be broken under any circumstances.


  18. 1. Drug tests and background checks involved in applying for government aid are an invasion of privacy.
    2. Based on the fourth amendment of the constitution, the government has no right to know about an individual’s life.
    3. Important human necessities, such as water, food, and shelter, should not be denied due to drug addiction or a criminal background.
    4. Applicants should not be subject to these procedures due to the invasive and corrupt aspects of them.
    5. If the government drug tests individuals who are applying for welfare, it will open the doors for other amendments to be violated.
    6. There can be no exceptions when it comes to the amendments of the constitution.
    7. Our county has followed the guidelines of the constitution for centuries and they cannot be broken under any circumstance.

    Based on the fourth amendment of the United States Constitution, the government has no right to dwell in an individual’s personal life. This right that each and every individual carries with them as a citizen is being violated by the government when they decide to administer a drug test or background check on a person applying for welfare.


  19. smellycat23 says:

    Based on the fourth amendment of the constitution, which protects people from unreasonable search and seizure, the government can not invade our privacy like drug tests and background checks do in applying for government aid.

    Many people protest for unreasonable drug testing because important human necessities like food, water, and shelter should not be withheld from an individual suffering from drug addiction or having a criminal background. Drug testing is intrusive, corrupt, and denying a deserving individual of government aid is immoral and unjust. Also, if an individual is qualified for welfare, they should receive government aid because it is necessary for their well-being and it would be unconstitutional for the government to deny a person from aid. If the government continues to drug test these individuals, other amendments will be violated too. The American Justice System will be at its demise if drug testing for financial aid becomes law because a domino effect will occur. Our country has followed the constitution for centuries and it should continue to do so.


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