LTE For Portfolio – gcatt310

To the editor:

Re: “Kudos to Walmart on Guns” (Sept. 4)

As an 18 year old college student who has grown up in a public schooling system, I have first handedly witnessed the impact on guns in society today. I believe that guns should be regulated more strictly. Growing up during a time where mass shootings, especially in schools have become so common makes gun control a very important topic to me along with many of this nations people. Guns have become so easily accessible the nation has turned to walking on eggshells rather than regulating firearms. And sadly, the fear does end at schools. Gun violence occurs everywhere, including neighborhoods, shopping centers, concerts, churches and more. Americans are now faced with the fear of being in public settings or around large sums of people due to this terror.

Walmart selling ammunition that has been used in mass shootings is very unsettling. Ammunition magazines that can take several people lives within minutes should not be sold at Walmart where it comes as commonplace. Though, following the mass shooting that occurred in a Walmart they have since discontinued selling this type of ammunition. However, there is still more to be done in this war on domestic terrorists. Susan L. Hoeller claims that “Walmart-haters” will disagree that this step is not going far enough. I disagree, people that see that there is more to be done are not Walmart-haters, they are concerned Americans that want to live in a safe society. 

 The government has a duty to step in a regulate the guns and ammunition in America. The government simply ignoring this epidemic is unethical and insensitive to the people who have tragically lost their lives or loved ones to mass shootings. This can not continue down the path it is headed. This ammunition can be easily purchased in places like Walmart. The ammunition was only discontinued once Walmart became home for this terror. Appropriate steps need to be taken nationwide before this terror continues. Military grade firearms or automatic weapons should not be integrated into society. Action needs to be taken for the greater good of the American people immediately.


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4 Responses to LTE For Portfolio – gcatt310

  1. davidbdale says:

    GCatt, SOOOO much has been said about gun regulation that if you’re going to choose the topic, you should be prepared to offer some new proposal or perspective. The Walmart episode gave you a chance to find a new wrinkle, but it’s not clear what use you made of it. All you really say is that Walmart shouldn’t be an outlet for ammunition that is used in mass shootings (whatever that is), but you also acknowledge that Walmart has already made that change. So what’s your point?


  2. davidbdale says:

    GCatt, you’re not obligated to request feedback, but building a Portfolio without it is dangerous. In two weeks, I’ll shut down feedback for this assignment. If you haven’t received any, you won’t get any, and it will be difficult to argue (as you must) that you engaged in and benefited from the “recursive” process of writing and rewriting through the social aspect of writing for a community.


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